Friends of Vida: Giving Back Through Retirement Accounts


No gift is too big; no gift is too small. Every contribution counts toward Vida’s life-affirming mission, work, and ministry. From the single dollar bill that arrives in the mail, to regular giving from an IRA, to an estate gift, giving is at the heart of every donor. 

As part of the Friends of Vida donor testimonial series, Mark and Cis Holzhauer share why they cheerfully give to Vida through their IRA. 

Donor Testimonial  |  Mark and Cis Holzhauer

Regular Donations to Vida Through Their IRA

Time, talent, treasure. There are many ways we can give back, where we can support work that positively impacts others. We were present when a married couple shared their experience with tithing. Their experience was exactly what Paul said in his letter to the Corinthians,

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
(2 Corinthians 9: 6-8)

The couple said they found, when they gave from the heart, the effect was that they had more to give. We have had a similar experience. Opportunities to give of our time and talent may be rarer than the opportunity to give of our treasure. The knowledge that our tithing in any manner is helping someone is a great feeling and seeing the work done by an organization is fulfilling. However, there is another benefit we have found by giving from our IRAs, including to Vida.

Being retired, our health insurance is, in part, through Medicare. Medicare premiums are determined, in part, by income. If we withdraw from our IRA to fund our contributions, our taxable income increases. Of course, we can take deductions, but that is after our gross income is calculated, which determines our Medicare premiums.

If, instead, we direct our IRA custodian to send our contribution directly to the charity, the contribution is not added to our income. This is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) and the money bypasses our income. In addition, the QCD counts toward the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), so if you have a mandatory withdrawal from your IRA because of the RMD, you can accomplish this without the negative effect of increasing your “income.” So, if your RMD requires you to take money out of your IRA anyway, you can do so without affecting your stated income or your Medicare premiums. 

Multiple benefits are derived by giving from the heart.

(l to r) Mark and Cis Holzhauer at the 2023 Vida Together For Life Banquet

We are thankful for the giving hearts of Mark and Cis Holzhauer, whose regular generosity helps Vida serve women, men, and children every day. In addition to financially donating to Vida, Mark serves on the Vida Chip In for Life Committee and as a liaison to his parish, St. Joseph Parish in Appleton, as a Vida Church Partner

To learn more about giving to Vida through IRA contributions, or interested in learning about other giving options, please visit or call Vida at 920-731-4354.